IM: There will be three signs that will tell y0u that y0u will have t0 d0 s0mething very imp0rtant later in
the future. It will be a life changing decisi0n 0n y0ur part and 0n theres. The first sign will be y0u will
IM: l0se an eye, but y0u will fell n0 pain, the sec0nd is you will kill some0ne very cl0se t0 y0u, but y0u
will intentionally d0 it, the final sign will be me self destructing.
TC: II Swear on my LLIIfe that II dIId everythIIng II couLLd to save your lIIfe that day! PLLease! Don't kill me!
IM: I'm N0t here t0 steal your s0ul. I really need y0ur help. I am fr0m a timeline that failed the game
IM: y0u are ab0ut t0 play. that is why Im dead in this timeline. Though I became a sprite when I died here.
IM: I made sure my dead c0rpse was transfered t0 an0ther timeline t0 make sure I w0uld still be alive. I
IM: need y0ur help by getting every0ne safely int0 the game. I d0n't want any m0re casualties like me
in this Versi0n. I als0 need t0 kn0w if my b0dy is ready.
TC: ShIITT so II was rIIghTT? all TThose voIIces were you speakIIng TTo me....buTT why me?!
G8: No one cares about8your sad little love story8Horpe. Excuse me while I barf in my mouth a li77le.
G8: Why don'7 you jus7 call 7ollis and ask him when in the hell are we going 7o play 7his oh so cool
G8: Game? If I don'78get an answer soon Im no7 going 87o play anymore. Even if our ances7ors
ances7ors played it
SRR: Why%don't%you%call%him%yourself?
G8: gggrrrrrrr8........ >::::I
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