TC: II Swear on my LLIIfe that II dIId everythIIng II couLLd to save your lIIfe that day! PLLease! Don't kill me!
IM: I'm N0t here t0 steal your s0ul. I really need y0ur help. I am fr0m a timeline that failed the game
IM: y0u are ab0ut t0 play. that is why Im dead in this timeline. Though I became a sprite when I died here.
IM: I made sure my dead c0rpse was transfered t0 an0ther timeline t0 make sure I w0uld still be alive. I
IM: need y0ur help by getting every0ne safely int0 the game. I d0n't want any m0re casualties like me
in this Versi0n. I als0 need t0 kn0w if my b0dy is ready.
TC: ShIITT so II was rIIghTT? all TThose voIIces were you speakIIng TTo me....buTT why me?!